This blog is a place to critique individual pieces and works in progress.

Thursday, May 26, 2005

Put it out there

Below is a piece I am currently working on. It is a work in progress. The dimentions are 7' x 4'. It is a two sided piece on canvas to be viewed from the middle of a room inside a copper frame. Please give me some raw feedback on how the piece makes you feel. Immediate responces and such. I will later let you know the impetus of the piece. I am looking for responces that are not influenced by my intention for the piece. I think there is enough there for this piece to servive on its own. To view this piece in more detail go Back to the Wrinkly Brain Studios home page and on the navigation bar click: Artists/Kurt Nilson/Paintings. You will see the thumbnail in the upper left.


Blogger ilya said...

i sense a strange dualism between the static and dynamic characters of the piece (both sides). for instance, the dynamic aspects are the wind blowing the curtain, the statue tipping over and falling, the bull charging, the hair flowing in the wind, the stabbing. but it also has a static and somewhat staged quality because of its abstract nature (size of bull relative to woman, placement of window over ocean, etc.).

i would say that it is locally dynamic and globally static.

3:15 PM

Blogger kpnil said...

The piece is presented as one and I am painting on both sides of the same canvas. Therefore I believe it allows me the opportunity of trying a stylistic gap, so to speak or a change of style from one side to the other. The overtly sexual bull side with the covertly patriotic crossing of the Delaware opens a juxtoposition or duality of the patriarch. I say covertly because I am using these figures devoid of any features other than clothing and gesture to strip away association and open a challenge for the viewer to put him/herself into the situation of heroism. It is an old comic book technique and it was used in propoganda. To me, the bull tripping over his own chain and an overly heroic depiction of the crossing of the delaware fit perfectly together. I feel the meaning of both sides presented as opposites furthers my point of the power struggle of the masculine and the feminine. As for them being separate pieces I have considered rendering the rowing figure in the same style as the Bull side and your comment is swaying me in that direction. I have also considered making him a woman which would also serve to tie them together.

7:25 PM


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