This blog is a place to critique individual pieces and works in progress.

Friday, September 02, 2005

Nailed to the Wall

This is a piece that Kurt Nilson is currently working on in his flat in Gentilly, France. It is pastel and colored pencil on paper. Let the artist know what you think of the piece as it transforms.


Blogger ilya said...

wonderfully freaky.
i enjoy how you subtly play with the "on the wall" "off the wall" placement.

her legs take me for a spin. wow. that part is intense.

there is a very strange interplay here that i can't quite perceive. but it hovers around duality...
an impasse. a roadblock. this gives rise to fluidity; to intertwining but not mixing.

12:17 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I appreciate the concept of the image, but feel that you are using the forms on the right side of the picture without any thought or relationship to what is happening on the left.

6:24 AM

Blogger kpnil said...

Thank you anonymous for your comment. I have uploaded the most recent working of the drawing. It is my intension to have a separation between the two images. I want to create the feeling that the tumultuous goings on in the back and to the right are separate from the figure yet at the same time they are a part of his/her inner workings.

4:36 AM


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