This blog is a place to critique individual pieces and works in progress.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Two versions of "Virgin of the Bollocks"

Please leave your comments for Trevor Knaggs they are greatly appreciated. The first image is almost complete and the second painting is just starting.


Blogger kpnil said...

Technically these images are quite ellegant and there is obvious time spent fleshing them out. There is a definate through back to Gothic painting and I love the language that is starting to come through in the backgrounds. For me I want to see this language come through more. I think there is a lot of room to mess around with current themes as he is doing with the sort of comic wasteland landscape. I love this especially the cars. The interplay between the figure and the background is interesting to me. The figure has a sort of non-chalance attitude towards the background, almost cheeky, and her involvement is somewhat fortuitous. My immediate responce to this is that our society is crumbling behind us while we sort of narcisistically look on. Where is this going cause I am quite curious?

6:55 AM

Blogger fauveress said...

Hi! Just wondering what the woman in the top image has between her fingers? What is it?!

10:52 PM

Blogger kpnil said...

"The Virgin of the Bollocks". The English use bollocks to refer to testicles. Of course it is also used as a colloquialism; "ahh bollocks!" meaning basically "ahh crap!". As for why she is holding a pair of balls is a question for the artist and I will pass that one on.

11:11 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

salut kurt

c'est alex, de gentilly

ça va ?

4:37 PM


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