This blog is a place to critique individual pieces and works in progress.

Friday, December 07, 2007


This is the second in a new series that I am working on. Just give me your raw response.
Kurt Nilson

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Austin Ice cream Parlor

I am carrying on my observations now that I have moved to Austin. When I have that moment of, what I can only describe as sublime, I try to record everything I can in my minds eye and then take it back to my studio and create a piece. The sensation is very euphoric. I am in a 15 to 20 second state of bliss before space and time sync back up and I am in reality again. In this piece I was overwhelmed by the shear beauty of the moment as I watched this couple eating their ice cream. I wanted to try and capture the vulgarity and sensuality that I experienced trying not to offend the subjects at the same time. I am finding it less and less necessary to produce or infuse shocking elements in my work in order to make a point. I am starting to realize that it is all there already.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Montrose 2

Here is the latest image in the Montrose Series. I am grappling with observations caught in a glance of the Montrose neighborhood where I currently live in Houston, Texas. The underbelly of this area of Houston hangs out quite a bit and I am trying to capture some of the high emotions as well as the subtly with a sort of anthropological observation. Mythology permeates my work and it is hard for me to not let it show through. I am working with layering these underlying emotions with a very loose style. Let me know what you think.

Thursday, February 22, 2007


This drawing is a direct response to a fight over money outside my apartment in Montrose, a neighborhood of Houston. The event was very beautiful to me because of the desperate emotions being revealed at the time. I went down to tell them to move on but I was transfixed by the event that unfolded. I do not feel that I am aestheticizing violence with this image because I did witness beauty. In this image I am trying to convey the beauty of the moment rather than the violence.

Saturday, September 30, 2006

Side two of the Farmer

Here is the second side to the painting "The Farmer". Here we have an interaction between a woman and a dog and the surrounding presence of nature. I am working with the "space between". The space between the two sides of the canvas and the space between the figures on the canvas. I believe it allows the meaning of the work to be freely interpreted and not constrained by me (Kurt Nilson) and thus is allowed to grow. Please let me know if you have any ideas on the subject.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

The Farmer

Leave your comments concerning this work in progress by Kurt Nilson.

Friday, February 10, 2006

Thought Biology

Here is a piece Kurt Nilson is currently working on.
"I am working on a visual language that will tap into possible universals or possibly the language of thought. What triggers us to think or feel in a certain way. The snakelike creature may invoke some primal fear. It is sort of obvious yet I feel I need it to lead into some of the other complex shapes. The one I am most interested in is the circular shape to the left center and what is happening within the circle. Literal meaning is useless at this point. Let me know how this work makes you feel and the images that pop into your head. Thank you"