This blog is a place to critique individual pieces and works in progress.

Saturday, September 30, 2006

Side two of the Farmer

Here is the second side to the painting "The Farmer". Here we have an interaction between a woman and a dog and the surrounding presence of nature. I am working with the "space between". The space between the two sides of the canvas and the space between the figures on the canvas. I believe it allows the meaning of the work to be freely interpreted and not constrained by me (Kurt Nilson) and thus is allowed to grow. Please let me know if you have any ideas on the subject.


Blogger kpnil said...

In answer to your query I would think that it is implied. I am trying to get away from the literal (chuckle, snort). It does look like I am being critical of a sort of shallowness that has gripped our nation if not the world. Yet, if it was not for the interconnectedness of man and nature that so concerns me here I would have painted in a mall. I truly feel the dog transcends this shallowness and their gaze touches on something wholly pure, or just holy.

5:38 PM

Blogger kpnil said...

At the same time this piece is on the back side of the farmer which is also approaching the relationship between man and nature. What has become curious is that they both seem to be making a very similar statement. A sort of miscommunication is transpiring, the results of which are catastrophic on one side and a passing fancy on the other. The purity lies between this communication.

4:04 PM


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